PEM Client's Details Form

Personal Details

Medical Screening Questions

Privacy Considerations

The privacy act requires medical service providers to obtain consent from their patients to collect, use and disclose personal information. The information contained on this form and the information gained from this assessment and its associated documents maybe be exchanged between the examining therapist, medical officer, and referrers.

I provide my consent for Esperance Physiotherapy to collect, use and disclose my personal/medical information for the purpose of assessing my medical fitness in relation to the nominated position.

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Pre Assessment Conditions

  1. I will not eat, smoke, or drink tea or coffee for at least 2 hours before the fitness test.

  2. I am not recovering from illness, a cold, or am taking beta-blocker drugs which will depress heart rate scores or influence test performance.

  3. I will wear loose-fitting comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear.

  4. I will not undertake any heavy physical exercise for 24 hours before the fitness test.

This assessment is designed to test your functional capacity. You are expected to set your own limits. You may stop the assessment at any stage and the assessor will stop the assessment if they are of the opinion you are either unable or unsafe to proceed.

I confirm that none of the above pre-test conditions applies to me, and that I am fit and able to complete my Pre-Employment Fitness assessment today.

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Client Declaration

I hereby declare that my medical and pre-test condition statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

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